Sunday, February 26, 2012

Midterm Now Open

The link for the Midterm is now active. It is found immediately after Module 6. It will remain open until Sunday, March 4 at midnight. Be sure that you have a reliable internet connection before you begin. Also, I highly recommend reviewing the study guide and taking the practice exam beforehand.

The exam covers course material from Module 1 through Module 6. There are 51 questions. I will drop 1 incorrect response to make the exam worth 200 pts. Questions are in multiple choice, true-false, short-answer, and multiple answer format. Read each question and answer selections carefully. You have 1 hour to complete the exam. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE EXAM BEFORE YOU SUBMIT IT!

Good luck!

--Jim Hamilton

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What's your favorite tree?

Please post a comment regarding your favorite tree:  what is it and why, its scientific name, and describe its leaf shape and arrangement....My personal favorite is dawn redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides, was thought to be extinct until some were found in an old monastery in Asia. It has an alternate arrangement of compound feather-like leaflets. Looks a lot like baldcypress.